Ashley Collins Works

  • Ashley Collins

  • TRIPLE CROWN , 2023

  • Mixed Media
  • 84.0 " x 96.0 "
  • "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw

    There are those that set their sights on the readily obtainable.
    Then there are those that set their sights far beyond, who aim for something greater...
    ...a path much harder, but far, far, more rewarding.
    ...a path that leads others to doubt and question.
    ...that leads to countless "Nos" and "Not Possibles."

    But the path is possible!

    The path is obtainable!

    The greatness is inside you!

    In 1978, "Affirmed" won the Triple Crown - only the 11th time for it to occur. This
    achievement was not met again for 37 years (yes, 37 years).

    When we aim for the greatest achievement...
    When we stretch ourselves...
    When we step out into the arena...
    ...we become the best version of ourselves.

    The wings of Warrior Angels are not made of soft down feathers, but of scorched steal, embedded with the scars of battle, and honed over years of struggle and
  • $165,000